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Everything posted by WyvernGirl

  1. I joined fb and found myself to be the only ranked person in the server. No one was talking too. Where has everyone gone?
  2. for reasons only known to me
  3. off topic, posted in off topic located in Off-Topic.
  4. WyvernGirl


    heyyyy don't say that the impossible is possible AlL you GoTTa Do iS mAkE iT So
  5. WyvernGirl

    Off Topic

    the third layer no one asked for
  6. I mixed gamer girl bath water, love potion, tavern keep, and gay mayonnaise. im proud to say the death potion has been added to terraria
  7. me: randomly joins a terraria server the cult building their church at the center of the map: we shall use her for a sacrifice by fire
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